Write a essay about myself
Essay Topics About Serving The Community
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Industrial Project of ICC Sydney-Free-Samples-Myassignementhelp
Question: Recognize the Business Objectives of ICC Sydney and what systems have been executed to meet these destinations. Answer: Outline of ICC Sydney ICC Sydney is the core of Sydney, which is a motivation for learning and current diversion just as praising the creation in business, expressions, and administration. There are multipurpose spaces that are required for the best consumer loyalty and thus clients additionally engage with the spot for a few times. Space can have three separate Programs and every one of the occasions can gather very nearly 8,000 individuals as this quite a bit of seats are accessible in each segment. The complete execution of that zone is 35,000 Sqm (Iccsydney.com.au, 2017). what's more, this colossal territory is utilized for the multipurpose reasons. A fantastic assembly hall is there at the meal where beyond what 2000 individuals can gather and reason their occasion. The inside is an amalgamation of best innovations and Wi-Fi associations or remote network is the effectively accessible things that found in that Center. Waterfront area and the updated open areas are the business development strategy fo r the association as there are many fascinating elements that draw in individuals to encounter their offices of the association and guarantee the better result for the organization. There are sure world-class convections and private occasions that give the heritage conveyed by the lodging for the business association (Iccsydney.com.au, 2017). This is the biggest dance hall in Australia and consequently; programs from the fragile and their notoriety can be supported by the utilization of this spot (Iccsydney.com.au, 2017). This is the Australias biggest display show field and therefore, the fantastic climate found by the individuals will be stunned by the quality for foundation that ICC Sydney has and hence it can check the standard of friendliness administrations. Individuals who can manage the cost of the spot can likewise engage by the ultramodern performance center developed by the association (Iccsydney.com.au, 2017). The gauge of blending the sound and light in with the mechani cal evaluation of high and low specialized projection is the right mastery that individuals may have looked in this association, which is extremely imaginative and viable for the idea of individuals (Iccsydney.com.au, 2017). ICC Sydney is one of the most mechanical and well-framework structures that Australia has for their reasonable neighborliness advancement. A measure of AU$1.5 billion has been put resources into the development that will interface the new 590 loft extravagance guesthouse, Sofitel Darling Harbor (Iccsydney.com.au, 2017). Alongside that, another lodging and beneficial development, another passerby road that will join the waterside back to Fundamental Station and laneways to include persuade this consistent Sydney goal that has been given by ICC Sydney (Iccsydney.com.au, 2017). Business Objectives of ICC Sydney and their usage forms The fundamental goal of ICC Sydney is to offer quality assistance to their clients and keep up their norm and set the model for another accommodation segment. The point of view of ICC Sydney is to enjoy full grown age laborers who have the right information about the exceptional consideration and treatment that should have been in the segment (Saeedi et al. 2016). For the develop work progress, the young laborers those ages as long as 25 years additionally amassed in this area however they are not as much develop enough as the others (Iccsydney.com.au, 2017). So less confused propositions for employment the association to them. The key targets of ICC Sydney are To pull in by the administration covering of the representatives and keep up different culture. To enroll talented workers and set their vision for the advancement of the association. To build up the profession open doors for the workers and guarantee the various client base for the reasonable state of the association. To hold the steady workforce approach and extend the vocation pathway in a regarded and comprehensive workplace. These are sure goals that ICC Sydney has followed for the open to childhood of their association. Fascination and assorted workforce is significant all things considered as the system increase and their structure up is the right strategy that applied by the association for their turn of events (Bell et al. 2014). The methodology is very fragmented as there are various segments and individuals are working as indicated by their segment. Appropriate Recruitment is another target that organization has actualized consequently they have focused on talented individuals for their business maintainability. The enrollment must upgrade the estimation of the association just as the reasonable vision likewise depicted by the successful different social digestion of representatives (Hebden et al. 2013). Equivalent advancement opportunity and development in representatives' position is additionally significant and thus, a decent client base has framed and they are considered as the current client b oard of the organization. Maintenance approach and strong workplace are required for the advancement of profession the board and select work space (Davies, Brough Johnstone, 2014). Making a more attractive and aware situation with the organization and keep up the workplace is the key expectation for the association. ICC Sydney has considered their workers as their benefit so they attempt to hold their representatives and making a more pleasant condition in the association. ICC Sydney has taken Diversity and Inclusion procedure for their turn of events and business development. The assorted variety as for age, sex, sex, social foundation, and ethnicity are significant for the veering idea of the association (Iccsydney.com.au, 2017). Thus, best preparing and direction are given to all the workers to act develop enough in an association so individuals can include with the association and income can be created in an expanding way (Hendrie, Rebuli Golley, 2017). Then again, Inclusion system is for the improvement of explicit vocation pathway of workers and consolidate better opportunities to them for the reasonable business direction (Trapp et al. 2015). If there should arise an occurrence of Food occasions, the association has so much space that they can use for the better course of action of food material and conveys the quality food to the association. The 8,000sqm space for the conferences likewise utilized for buffet direction or the food fair. In any case, World class cooking will be introduced in this association and therefore quality dishes are additionally accessible and reasoning of the food and degree of food that conveys by the association are one of a kind and superb (Moghames et al 2016). Solid juices and new fish with pasta and risotto all these are the quality that gave by the association. There are some new cream fixing and bites that likewise accessible in ICC Sydney. The association has jump started and feasts out procedure and various families and individuals from various status collect there to taste their food (Lhachimi et al. 2016). The creative dishes like King Prawns with lemon verbena and kohlrabi or Chicken with occasional berries and ricotta have that foundation by ICC Sydney. The high-class food and local food inclinations are significant for the association and individuals love to have those nourishments in ICC Sydney, so the adaptable and imaginative food redemption is the key methodology that ICC Sydney. Between relationship worth and Stakeholders inception For the better satisfaction of those destinations partners inception is significant and important for the improvement of the associations. On account of legitimate comprehensive technique, the determination and market investigation is the main necessity that association has its anxiety. For those goals satisfaction, real arranging is required from the association side (Reeve, 2015). The multi-direct appropriation methodology in the segment of food has flowed the vast majority of the dishes from an alternate area of the world and that will esteem the flavor of individuals. In the event of partners' introduction, there is an alternate level inside in and that think about the inner and outer partners. In inside partner, the worry commitment are Company workers, Managers, Owners and Management staffs. They are significant for the associations as they keep up the inward conduct of the association and take part in all the destinations and systems. If there should arise an occurrence of imp rovement of an association, representatives are the worry factor on which association depends on (Subramaniam Wareing, 2016). Then again Management authority is at risk for the enrollment of compelling individuals so this is the explanation they have explicit duty to accomplish better work and as select powerful individuals in their association. The supervisory group additionally forced a few techniques and attempted to hold the majority of the workers with the goal that they can convey a quality item and help the association for the better income age. Supervisory crew and comprehension is so essential for the association that has forced the quality comprehension of the association and developed better economy for the association (Bridge, 2014). If there should be an occurrence of those two procedures taken by the association, their incorporation and troublesome methodologies are compelling enough in the food and drink segment of this association which proposes quality food and decide the estimation of those nourishments from contrasting with the similar market. If there should arise an occurrence of outer partners, Customers are the most significant worry for the association and consequently ICC Sydney gives their best food quality to their clients (Iccsydney.com.au, 2017). The providers of food material are likewise a significant partner who can give every one of those quality food assets and keep up a solid relationship with clients and association (Elkhodr, Shahrestani Cheung, 2015). Government inception and the improvement of business are significant and
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Commercial law - case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business law - contextual analysis - Essay Example All things considered, there is no finished agreement among Wendy and Fantastic Furniture Auctioneers. As I would see it, since there is no finished agreement of offer among Wendy and Fantastic Furniture Auctioneers, there is then no authoritative risk brought about by the last for the costs and misfortunes of Wendy. â€Å"(1) Any individual, firm or organization who purposely makes or distributes or causes to be made or distributed throughout business as a salesperson any portrayal or articulation which is bogus or deluding in any material specific, corresponding to any parcel set available to be purchased at an sell off deal, regardless of whether with regards to the worth, arrangement, structure, depiction, character or quality, date, assembling, or root of that part or something else, submits an offense. â€Å"(2) It will be a guard to a charge for an offense against this segment of which the creation or distribution of a bogus or deluding portrayal or explanation is a fixing to demonstrate that the denounced accepted on sensible grounds that the portrayal or articulation was not false or misdirecting. As applied to the given realities, thusly, Fantastic Furniture Auctioneers acquire obligation under Section 24 (2) of the Auction Sales Act for deception concerning the date of the closeout. In any case, it is qualified for mediate the guard that the supposed â€Å"representation or explanation was not bogus or misleading.†The principal issue under this thing is the impact of Sallys hollering that her offer is pulled back just before the mallet fell. The subsequent issue is the impact of Sallys withdrawal, accepting it is legitimate, on the offer of Sam. â€Å"(2) A deal by sell off is finished when the salesperson declares its fulfillment by the fall of the sledge or in other standard way: until such declaration is made any bidder may withdraw his bid.†As applied to the realities, Section 60, subsection (2) is the standard administering the issue on the impact of Sallys shouting that her offer is pulled back just before the
Monday, August 10, 2020
Learn and Earn
Learn and Earn Chuan and Jing joined a wholesale company together just after graduation. Both worked very hard.After several years, the boss promoted Jing to sales executive but Chuan remained a sales rep. One day Chuan could not take it anymore, tender resignation to the boss and complained the boss did not value hard working staff, but only promoted those who flattered him.The boss knew that Chuan worked very hard for the years, but in order to help Chuan realize the difference between him and Jing, the boss asked Chuan to do the following. Go and find out anyone selling water melon in the market? Chuan returned and said yes. The boss asked how much per kg? Chuan went back to the market to ask and returned to inform boss the $12 per kg. Boss told Chuan, I will ask Jing the same question? Jing went, returned and said, boss, only one person selling water melon. $12 per kg, $100 for 10 kg, he has inventory of 340 melons. On the table 58 melons, every melon weighs about 15 kg, bought from the South two days ago, they are fresh and red, good quality.Chuan was very impressed and realized the difference between himself and Jing. He decided not to resign but to learn from Jing.My dear friends, a more successful person is more observant, think more and understand in depth. For the same matter, a more successful person sees several years ahead, while you see only tomorrow. The difference between a year and a day is 365 times, how could you win?Think! how far have you seen ahead in your life? How thoughtful in depth are you?
Saturday, May 23, 2020
America The Beautiful Analysis - 1391 Words
Race relations in the United States have become even more tense within the past decade as the internet has increased everyones awareness to atrocities which occur across the country. Art however, has always been an outlet for many different individuals to project their feeling and beliefs with no restrictions. Therefore, art throughout history has provided great insight differing worlds and thoughts. It has a way of communicating; telling a story which may be interpreted differently, although always expressing truth or feeling of the artist. America the Beautiful, is no different. The artist expresses his thoughts and beliefs about the past, current and future of racial relations in America based on his experiences as a labeled immigrant.†¦show more content†¦Along with these images of protest the painting shows five quotes from different meaningful figures such as American hero, Martin Luther King Jr. and world renowned artist like Andy Warhol. These quotes entail that chan ge in America must be brought on by the change amongst the population when it comes to race relations. In the use of these quotes and words written such as â€Å"Promise Land†on the painting Chicaiza shows his unwavering believe in America’s core values in which it was founded on. Another visual in this painting of the U.S. flag is the 50 stars are made up of human figures, which are diverse in the color. The figures are red, yellow, white, brown or black. I believe Chicaza used this visual to show that the people of the U.S. are equally if not more diverse as the states which make up this great nation. Another representation of color use is the signs in rainbow colors which say â€Å"Love†among the cutouts, with this the artist may be stating that equality includes LGBQ members just as much as people of different color. Chicaiza also painted multiple silhouettes around the painting which I believe was to represent that how we treat each other impacts each and everyone of us in the country. Immigrant towns across America rely of the work of seasonal immigrant to do remedial jobs to keep the towns economy turning. Latin American immigrants have proved to beShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of America The Beautiful By Ray Charles791 Words  | 4 PagesThis obvious song choice, one that was considered for the national anthem, was not selected for its plain spoken lines, but for the singer. America the Beautiful, sung by Ray Charles, is more than transparent lyrics; It is about a story and soulfulness. Written in 1893 by Wellesley college professor, Katharine Lee Bates,America The Beautiful was conceived as a poem. Ray Charles’ rendition of the poem was turned into a unique and historic song, one of his most memorable hits. Since the creation ofRead Moreâ€Å"What Is Fueling This Anger, This Political Insanity? 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History and Origin of Artworks The museums Asian art collection, are displayed in the exhibition area for Japanese artwork (Basch and Poole 541) at the museum, whereas the Latin American art collections, are displayed in the Latin AmericanRead MoreI, Too explication891 Words  | 4 PagesLangston Hughes An analysis of Langston Hughes’ poem â€Å"I, Too†in the book The Norton Introduction to Literature (1021), shows that the author used distinct word choice and imagery to write a timeless poem about ignorance and bigotry that can be applied to any group of oppressed people, while at the same time he conveyed a strong sense of hope that at some future time, all will be welcome at the table. The opening line of â€Å"I, Too,†â€Å"I, too sing America†(1) speaks to all of America, not just Black
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Diversity of Mangroves - 1687 Words
Introduction Mangroves have different economic benefits. Nowadays, destruction of mangrove forest is very alarming. During the year 1918, mangroves forest is about 500, 000 hectares wide. In the Philippines, from the estimated 448, 000 hectares in 1920’s have been declined to 110, 000 hectares in the year 1990 and it reached 130, 000 hectares by the year 2000, as stated by Lunar and Laguardia (2012). Human anthropogenic activities such as conversion of mangroves into fishpond, shrimp farm, salt ponds, renovation and other forms of developing industries reduces the mangrove areas. The continuous reduction of mangrove forest have been used as different kind of materials like charcoal or for fire wood production, house materials and converting these mangrove forest into fish ponds establishment and in addition the expansion of coastal communities (Becira, 2006). According to Upadhyay et al., (2002), mangrove ecosystems have many ecological importances for maintaining marine life. Mangrove ec osystems are being studied with more interest worldwide because of their economic importance in support of commercial fisheries alone (Cintron et al. 1980). Uses and values of mangroves are many and varied. For example, they provide habitat as well as spawning and nursery ground for various marine species like fish, shellfish, crustaceans and other marine organisms, enrich the near-shore environment, act as windbreakers and protects the shoreline from storms, stabilize the shoreline, andShow MoreRelatedBiological Diversity in Mangrove Forests Essay587 Words  | 3 PagesMangrove forests provide habitats for many marine and terrestrial species. These intertidal zone forest support richest biological diversity and primary productivity and it also support the livelihood of millions of people across the world that is why the mangrove consider an ecosystem by itself and has its own food chain. Mangrove food chain actually depends majorly on the recycling of detritus, which come from the falling of mangrove leaves, so the mangrove is the main producers of the mangroveRead MoreEssay Mangrove Swamps1192 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Mangrove swamps are a type of coastal wetland found on five out of seven continents between the latitudes 30 ºN and 30 ºS. Mangrove swamps are rich communities of both vegetative and animal species. The swamps are unique in the fact that they are a highly vegetated area found on the edge of marine coasts. The major vegetation in this area has adapted to absorb its water from the sea, and its oxygen from the air as opposed to the soil. This environment serves as home to many animal speciesRead MoreThe Mangrove Dynamics Of Krishna Wildlife Sanctuary726 Words  | 3 Pagesabove context, the current study describes the mangrove dynamics of Krishna wildlife Sanctuary (KWS) of Andhra Pradesh (AP) state using spatio-temporal satellite data. The study elucidates degradation of mangroves of this region along with the restoration steps taken by the forest department in collaboration with M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF). 2. Study area: Krishna Wildlife Sanctuary (KWS) AP state ranks fourth in terms of mangrove areas (35,200 ha- FSI 2013) in the country andRead MoreEssay about Mangroves1312 Words  | 6 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Some people don’t like mangroves, regarding them as muddy, mosquito and crocodile infested swamps. In the past their removal was seen as a sign of progress. So what is the point of preserving them? For a start, an estimated 75 percent of fish caught commercially spend some time in the mangroves or are dependent on food chains which can be traced back to these coastal forests. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mangroves also protect the coast by absorbing the energy of stormRead MoreHow Does Precipitation Affect Precipitation Patterns1798 Words  | 8 Pagesprecipitation patterns caused by climate change may have a profound effect on both the growth of mangroves and their aerial extent (Field, 1995; Snedaker, 1995). Regional climate models predict that precipitation will decrease in certain areas (e.g., Central America during the months of winter, Australia in winter) (Houghton et al., 2001). Decreased precipitation may not only result in less freshwater input to mangroves, but it may also cause less freshwater input into the groundwater which has significantRead MoreEssay on Belize Barrier Reef Platform 1475 Words  | 6 Pagesfound in the area. In fact 178 species of vascular plants, including 32 non-native species make up the vegetation found. These are broken down into three distinct areas. They are the Mangrove forest which is made up of three major types of mangrove trees; the Buttonwood, the Red mangrove and the White mangrove. Next there is the Littoral forest. There are four types of trees which make up the Littoral forests and they are the Ziricote Cordia sevestena, the Teabox Myrica cerifera, the Gumbo LimboRead MoreThe Sea Level Of Bangladesh1548 Words  | 7 Pages The effects of sea level rise are profound throughout the western coastal zone as it is low-lying and the coastal lands are subsiding (Karim and Mimura 2008) . Coastal wetlands such as salt marshes and mangroves will decrease in number unless they have a sufficient sediment supply to keep pace with Sea Level Rise. These physical impacts, in turn, have both direct and indirect socioeconomic implications, which appear to be immensely negative (Cazenave and Nicholls 2010).For example, basedRead MoreSaving the Belize Barrier Reef1525 Words  | 7 Pageslagoons, seagrass meadows, and mangrove forests. It provides a habitat for a large number of fish species and many endangered animals. With global warming issues, local activities, and mass tourism threatening the very existence of the reef, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO ) has made the Belize Barrier Reef part of the World Heritage list, which preserves and protects the cultural and na tural heritage around the world. Diversity of Life Forms The BelizeRead MoreThe Importance of Ecosystem Management and Protection.1510 Words  | 7 Pagesdevelopment, total preservation and the educating of the populace are becoming progressively more important in todays society and for the protection of ecosystems. Ecosystems such as the Amazon basin with its rich biodiversity including swamps, mangroves, forests and savannah and coral reefs with their large biodiversity of fish species are under threat from development and are shrinking rapidly. Preservation of ecosystems is important as an insurance to keep the Earth suitable for human occupancyRead MoreManaging and Protecting the Mangrove Forestry in the Philippines1921 Words  | 8 Pages`MANAGING AND PROTECTING THE MANGROVE FORESTRYIN THE PHILIPPINES` Saint John M.S. in Plant Science Prof.Choy `Subject Professor in Biol 210` March, 2009 MANAGING AND PROTECTING THE MANGROVE FORESTRY IN THE PHILIPPINES INTRODUCTION MANGROVE DEFORESTATION KNOWN CONSEQUENCES OF MANGROVE DEFORESTATION HISTORY OF MAJOR MANGROVE HABITAT USES AND CHANGES IN THE PHILIPPINES ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS OF MANGROVE HABITAT CHANGES A. Environmental
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Investor Activism Free Essays
With the trend toward higher investor activism, it’s more important than ever to find effective ways to engage investors. Direct engagement, which involves the company pro-actively determining the priorities and concerns of investors and addressing them directly, is becoming more widespread across the business world (Ernst and Young, 2014). Though still in its early stages, according to the Conference Board, direct engagement â€Å"is likely to become a permanent, although less formal, part of the governance of US public companies†(Conference Board, 2014). We will write a custom essay sample on Investor Activism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Direct engagement means social entrepreneurships begin the conversation with investors, rather than waiting for them to bring up issues of concern. This offers a way to communicate the social mission goals and link those goals to financial performance in a way that keeps investors committed to the broader vision of profit with purpose. Performance Monitoring for Mission Financial monitoring processes are a ubiquitous part of conventional business practice. All for-profit businesses establish more formal systems for monitoring financial performance as they grow. Social entrepreneurships also need to develop systems and processes for monitoring mission performance and financial performance. Common in the non-profit sector, mission monitoring is still a relatively new undertaking for the governing bodies of for-profit businesses. Despite advances in the field, such as the development of systems including IRIS and SASB, directors’ efforts to monitor mission remain hampered by a lack of standard metrics, equivalent to those available in finance (Impact Measurement Working Group, 2014). Delivering impact performance isn’t only a question of having reliable metrics, however. It is important to remember that metrics alone won’t protect mission or prevent mission drift. To have any power, raw metric information must be incorporated into the oversight and decision-making processes of the organization.Mission monitoring is the means by which organizations make the connection between impact metrics and leadership and direction. Robust mission performance monitoring systems have been shown to help impact funds deliver on mission goals (Clark, Emerson Thornley 2014). Innovative social enterprises are using mission monitoring to efficiently prevent both mission drift and mission abandonment (Alnoor, Battilana Mair). There is no one-size-fits-all model for mission monitoring. Research indicates that different kinds social entrepreneurships need to monitor different things in different ways (Alnoor, Battilana Mair, 2014). Thus, it is no surprise that the monitoring systems used by managers and boards vary according to organization size, type, location, legal form, governance structure, and the nature of the social or environmental mission aims. Despite this complexity, effective mission monitoring systems do have shared characteristics (Epstein Yuthas, 2014): They originate at the highest strategic level, with the governing board and top management. They align with business and organizational strategy. They are clear about desired performance results. They identify performance indicators that can be meaningfully measured or evaluated. They are supported by organizational systems and processes that track performance and produce verifiable information. These are costed and backed with adequate organizational resources. How to cite Investor Activism, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Cyber Squatting free essay sample
In this paper I suggest tools and ways for internet users to escape from entering into fake WebPages due to spelling errors. Introduction Typo squatting is the purchase of a misspelled version of a popular domain name for the purpose of attracting visitors who make typographical errors when entering web addresses. This practice is a form of cyber squatting. Cybersquatters purchase domain names with the goal of trading on the popularity and fame of a trademark or company and in some cases have even managed to snap up domain names before a parent company has a chance to buy them. In the case of typosquatting, people take advantage of the fact that there are numerous potential misspellings of a domain that can crop up when people are typing in a hurry. If millions of people are visiting a website and even a small fraction make mistakes when they manually enter domain names, a typosquatter can profit. We will write a custom essay sample on Cyber Squatting or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Typosquatters can buy domains with transposed letters, missing letters, or extra letters, like wiesgeek. com, wisgek. com, or wisege4ek. com. There are a number of things that a typosquatter can do with a domain. One option is to simply use the site as a redirect to the original domain, a trick used by some companies that buy some common misspellings of their domain names to cover their bases. Another option is to turn the domain into a link or ad farm, hoping that visitors will click on the contents and generate profits. Some creative typosquatters have used their misspelled domains for the purpose of political commentary or satire directed at the owner of the properly spelled domain. A more problematic practice occurs when typosquatters attempt to fool visitors. The typosquatting site may be designed to look a lot like the site the user intended to reach, tricking the user into thinking that he or she has landed in the right spot. Users might turn over confidential information, expose themselves to malware, or otherwise endanger themselves. Some typosquatters have targeted children with their websites by purchasing variations on domains commonly used by children, a practice that concerns law enforcement. Under the law, typosquatting is not necessarily illegal, although it can potentially be prosecuted under the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act of 1999 in the United States. If a typosquatter is clearly using a domain name for fraudulent or misleading purposes, the site can be viewed as a violation of the law. However, sites that simply take advantage of a misspelling to send a political message or even to serve ads are not necessarily illegal. While some companies are aggressive about typosquatting, the myriad possible variations on a domain name means that typosquatters can give up the site in question and move on to another typo. Domain Squatting Internet domains are registered, rather than bought and sold, and they are available on a first-come, first-served basis. These ground rules lay the foundation for the practice of domain squatting, also known as cybersquatting. A domain squatter registers a site not for his or her own use but with the idea that it can be sold at a profit. Cybersquatters acquire names in several ways. They may pick up domain names that become available after a bankruptcy or when a renewal registration fee isn’t paid. They may also follow people’s checks on domain name availability and purposefully register the name if there is a pause while the person makes a decision. The goal of domain squatting is to make money.
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