Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Recommendation to Mitigate the Lac of InfoSec Policy
Recommendation to Mitigate the lack of InfoSec Policy Firstly, we identified that medium-sized company may suffer the problems as follows. The medium-sized companies usually have the same staff resources as the small organization, but they have a much larger personnel demand. The medium-sized companies have the worst ability to set policy, handle incidents, and effectively allocate resources. Based on the companys size, and the management structure we discussed above, we suggest that we use the Gartner Information Security Governance Model to assess the security problem of Inventure Foods, Inc. The Gartner Information Security Governance Model is most suitable for Inventure Foods type of business. It protects the information resources appropriately and efficiently given the company’s limited resources and overstretched personnel. The most important reason why we choose the Gartner Model is that it provides the blueprint for a complete security program and tells management the order about how to implement these security segments. Another reason is that the Gartner Information Security Governance Model is designed for companies that do not require high levels of security such as Inventure Foods. Additionally, Gartner Information Security Governance Model can be integrated as part of Inventure Food’s overall policy. Furthermore, the Gartner Information Security Governance Model is more about protecting the information resources efficiently and effectively beyond just the IT
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Effects of Tobacco Consumption - 1022 Words
There is presently much controversy regarding tobacco consumption and the effect that it has on first hand smokers and on the world as a whole. While millions of people from around the world are smokers and while the masses are generally familiar with the effects that tobacco has on society, people continue to accept smoking as one of the principal vices that society has to deal with. It is certainly worrying that people are presented with the harmful effects of smoking at a young age and that many come to ignore these effects later in their lives. Addiction and societys pressures influence individuals in expressing little to no interest in their wellbeing and in the wellbeing of individuals around them. When asking a typical cigarette smoker why he or she took up smoking, he or she is likely to answer by relating to the perceived relaxed condition that smoking inflicts on the consumer. Also, a great deal of individuals come to start smoking because they are pressured by people around them, especially during their adolescence years when they are vulnerable and when they consider that smoking makes a person cooler. In an attempt to be accepted by a group that they like, adolescents are predisposed to taking on a series of harmful activities, as they are no longer interested in their wellbeing and as they only seek recognition. Parents are also important when considering smokers, as a person whose parents are active smokers is more likely to take up smoking at a certainShow MoreRelatedHealth Risks Vs. Economics Of Tobacco Consumption1614 Words  | 7 Pagesresearched information on the how consumers continue to risk their health through the consumption of cigarettes regardless of ha zard warnings and how the government continues to implement increased taxation to economically affect those consumers. In today’s society, there are many more consumers that are becoming health conscious compared to consumers of decades before, but there are still those that are addicted to tobacco products making it more difficult to embrace their own health. In order to makeRead MoreSmoking Is Smoking A Lifestyle Or Disease?1503 Words  | 7 Pagestwenty-four-point reduction in smoking rates since the first tobacco study conducted and published by the Office of the U.S Surgeon General in 1964 (HHS, 2014). These numbers represent a massive improvement, but smoking is still a disturbing blemish for an increasingly health-conscious and aware society. Despite these surprising statistics, the question remains: Is smoking a lifestyle or disease? Is smoking similar in nature to malaria or influenza? Smoking tobacco seems to cause cognitive dissonance regardingRead MoreLoss Of Government Revenue From Tobacco Taxes791 Words  | 4 Pagesrevenue from tobacco taxes. According to a September 2013 report by the International Tax and Investment Center and Oxford Economics (ITIC-OE), In 2011, the Legal Domestic Sales of cigarettes fell by 80.6%, from 308 million cigarettes in 2010, to just 60 million cigarettes a year after the tax increase. Total Consumption (legal and illicit) is estimated at 317.9 million cigarettes in 2013, down 9.5% from 2012. However, only 2.4% or 7.7 million cigarettes constitute Legal Cigarettes Consumption. In 2013Read MoreScientific Abstract : Smoking And Alcohol Consumption1255 Words  | 6 PagesScientific Abstract Smoking and alcohol consumption are well established as risk factors regarding oral cancer incidence. Previous studies indicated a possible additive effect of alcohol and tobacco on oral cancer risk, yet no observational studies in the last 25 years have accounted for their interaction. This study was initiated to elucidate smoking and drinking single, joint and interactive effects on oral cancer incidence. A hospital-based observational study collected patient data using questionnairesRead MoreWhy Tobacco Should Be Banned From The United States Essay1196 Words  | 5 Pages Consumption of Tobacco is a worldwide phenomenon. Nearly every country is planning to raise more restrictions around the consumption of Tobacco. The awareness about its ill effects is rising through the corridors of Parliaments of many countries with the help of governmental and non-governmental organizations. There are some internationally recognized organizations like the â€Å"World Lung Foundations†that are striving hard to reduce the consumption of tobacco to a bare minimum. There are numerousRead MoreIndian Ban On Tobacco Advertisements1469 Words  | 6 PagesINDIAN BAN ON TOBACCO ADVERTS IN FAVOUR According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco accounted for over 3 million deaths in 1990, the figure rising to 4.023 million in 1998. It is estimated that tobacco related deaths would rise to 8.4 million in 2020 and to 10 million in about 2030. Internal industry documents released in the United States, described 14 – 24 year olds as â€Å"tomorrow’s business†. However, a study on tobacco consumption and employment, showed that effective policiesRead MoreGeneral Presentation Of Tobacco Industry1642 Words  | 7 Pagespresentation of tobacco industry History of tobacco The tobacco industry has a long history. It began with Native Americans who smoked through a pipe for medical and religious purposes (From the First to the Last Ash: The History, Economics Hazards of Tobacco, no date). This was before the arrival of European, which have heavily traded and popularized this resource during the industrial revolution. But the cigarette has not always been the most common type of consuming tobacco. During the 18thRead MoreImposing Taxes on Cigarrettes May Be Beneficial Essay examples810 Words  | 4 Pagesburden for producers is very little (See figure 2). Over 100 published international studies indicate almost without exception a statistically correlation between price and consumption of tobacco. They show that consumption decreases with increasing prices and consumption increases with decreasing prices. The price/consumption relationship is strongest in the socially weaker sections of the population; regardless of if the social status is measured by income or education (Response). Moreover, it seemsRead MoreEthical Challenges Of Tobacco Advertisements1170 Words  | 5 PagesETHICAL CHALLENGES OF TOBACCO ADVERTISEMENTS 1 Ethical Challenges of Banning Indian Tobacco Advertisements Poitier Stringer University of the People ETHICAL CHALLENGES OF TOBACCO ADVERTISEMENTS 2 Ethical Challenges of Banning Indian Tobacco Advertisements The tobacco industry has long presented ethical challenges for governments that are tasked with looking after the public good. Tobacco producers have provided significant revenue for many economies, yet they specialize in the manufacturing and distributionRead MoreTobacco Advertising : A Worldwide Marketing Campaign895 Words  | 4 PagesTobacco Advertisement According to the World Health Organization, each year 6 million people die due to tobacco related illnesses. If current trends continue, it is projected that by 2030, tobacco will be responsible for more than 8 million deaths each year and 80% of these premature deaths will be among people living in low- and middle-income countries.†Tobacco advertising is a worldwide marketing campaign that displays bright and colorful images that appeal towards teens and young adults. These
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Silk Road Research Essay Sample free essay sample
My research about the Silk Road has been an educational escapade to the admirations of universe civilisation. The cognition I gained has led me to believe that integrity is critical to come on. By bridging Asia to Europe and Africa. people. thoughts. and civilizations were similarly interconnected that strengthened the geographic. economic. political. and spiritual dimensions of other states. I was amazed of how long the route was and the tremendous resources of work force and stuffs used in edifice such a monumental project. It was genuinely a singular accomplishment by adult male worthy of congratulations. I was besides surprised to see many images of rich historical landmarks. antediluvian ruins. and beautiful landscapes found along the route. Sing those images seemed to link me to the yesteryear and made me believe that in order to travel frontward we have to larn the lessons of our history. That is why it is highly of import to continue and protect our history. We will write a custom essay sample on The Silk Road Research Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However. some of these historical sites and sceneries are now threatened by hoarded wealth searchers and archeological diggings. The inspiring narratives behind this extraordinary human enterprise should learn us the values of cooperation and communicating. By sharing and esteeming other people’s beliefs and traditions. possibly we can work and populate peacefully in this helter-skelter universe of ours for coevalss to come. Mentions Silk Road Adventures Co. Ltd. ( 2006 ) . Silk Road Travel Guide. Photo Album: Musca volitanss Along the Silk Road. Retrieved January 19. 2007. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. silkroute. cn/photo_album01. htm Publitek. Inc. ( 2007 ) . Silk Road Photos and Images. Fotosearch. Stock Photography and Stock Footage. Retrieved January 19. 2007. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. fotosearch. com/photos-images/silk-road. hypertext markup language
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Maxist View of Rose for Emily and Odour to Chrysanthemums Essay Example
Maxist View of Rose for Emily and Odour to Chrysanthemums Paper Marxism was a critical approach used by many writers. Authors, of that period, paid close attention to details and accurate facts. Marxism typically refers to a diverse set of social, economic, and historical realities. Both, A Rose for Emily, written by William Faulkner, and Dour to Chrysanthemums, written by D. H. Lawrence exhibit strong evidence that social interaction, economic status, and historical prospective isolate people from society. 80th stories depict a woman, In different extreme circumstances, alienated from the world around her. In Dour to Chrysanthemums the mall character is named Elizabeth. Elizabeth was an educated, proud, respected woman who was a wife of a coal miner, a devoted mother, and part of the working class. In a Rose for Emily the main character is Emily, at one time an aristocrat, and a symbol of the past generation. To prove that the three realities, mentioned above, could lead to alienation the reader must examine each point of Interest, starting with the historical background. When analyzing the history of a story, the reader must research the period It was written. Dour to Chrysanthemums was written between the end of the Victorian period in 901, and the beginning of WWW in 1914. During this period coal was a main energy source. Mines, the sites where coal was extracted, were dreary and the people involved in this type of work often led bleak, despairing lives. Human labor was needed for this work, and the exhaustion it produced, coupled with life threatening work conditions was often reli eved in pubs, or bars. Unfortunately, as Lawrence shows, the comforts of the pub were paid for at a high price In alcoholism and the disruption of home life. We will write a custom essay sample on Maxist View of Rose for Emily and Odour to Chrysanthemums specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Maxist View of Rose for Emily and Odour to Chrysanthemums specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Maxist View of Rose for Emily and Odour to Chrysanthemums specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Wives, or Elizabeth, in this case, were burdened with the care f large families on their husbands meager salary. Elizabeth was very alienated from the world around her because of her role as wife and mother in this specific time period. She was also separated from her husband because of his type of work. A Rose for Emily was written after the Civil War. Post Civil War Reconstruction had a profound and humbling effect on Southern society. The birth of Emily Grievers occurs during the Civil War; therefore she was raised with the old south values. Originally, Emily Gridirons town was governed by men of the old south like Colonel Sartorial and Judge Stevens. Men of this stature operated under a code of chivalry that was extremely protective of white women. After the death of Emails father, Colonel Sartorial was unable to allow the town to tax her, and Judge Stevens was unable to confront Emily about the smell coming from her house. As each generation passed the symbolic torch, however, the newer generations were further and further away from the antiquated social mores of their forebears. The men who tried to collect Emilee taxes didnt operate under the same code of conduct as their grandfathers and great grandfathers did. Emily was not a damsel in distress to these men; she was a nuisance, a hindrance to progress. This showed the contrast between the 19th and 20th century society. Emily Grievers is certainly a character trapped In her genteel past, thus making her alienated from the developing world around near. Social Interaction Ana economic status are very closely related. 10 examine the socioeconomic, or the social and economic status of each individual a person has to analyze class structure. In Dour to Chrysanthemums Elizabeth and her family were considered lower class, or part of the working class. Elizabeth, however, regarded herself as being more refined than her husband and her surroundings. Elizabeth Bates was described as a woman of imperious mien (part II, par. 123). Unlike her neighbors, she didnt use the local dialect, an indication of class position. Unlike other miners wives in the community, she refused to demean herself by entering the local pubs to entice her husband home. Most significantly, however, Elizabeth indicated her disdain for the social position of her community by fighting against her husband and his values. Probably lulled into marrying him by his good kooks and his lust for life, she resented him for making her feel like a fool living in this dirty hole (par. 78). She seemed to despise the manual nature of her husbands work, indicated by her unwillingness to wash the residue of pit-dirt from his body when he emerged from his shift in the mine (par. 8). When she finally became aware of the horrible fate of her husband and she viewed the body lying in the naive dignity of death (part II, par. 118), she was appalled and humbled at what appeared to be her husbands new distance from her, but she slowly comprehended that their roomer connection was based solely on an unnamed attraction above and beyond the conditioning of social class, and the lure of compatible personality, common interest, or shared experience. She acknowledged that their relationship was part of a different order of experience, which belonged to a mythic dimension. It is a dimension which included the physical work of the dark mine, the sexual attraction of the body, and the mysterious world of the dead. The story ended with the laws of this new mythic dimension overriding Elizabethan former concerns about social class. She indeed was alienated from her community, and her husband. It wasnt until his death that she realized this truth. In a Rose for Emily, Faulkner depicted Emily and her family as being part of a higher social class. There was a time when her family did have power in the South, and at one time the Grievers name did mean something. This social position isolated Emily from the life she desired, because she was expected to behave a certain way. Emily was not able to make the decisions she wanted to due to her standing in the social community. Homer was not considered a DOD marriage partner for Emily due to her social standing in the old south. Her choice to kill him and preserve him, as one does a rose, may have been, in her mind, her only option. After losing her father and her love, in her younger years, she regressed into a state of fantasy, longing for the times gone by. This fantasy world allowed her to keep Homer for all time in this room of roses. Emily Grievers did indeed become a fallen monument (par. 1). She was a monument of Southern gentility, an ideal of past values. She had fallen becaus e she turned her fantasy into grotesque reality. She was a woman who was alienated by society. In conclusion, both women were separated from the world around them, in both very different ways. How would the stories have changed if Elizabeth was an aristocrat, or Emily was part of the working class? Someones social class depicts their actions and train of thought. What if these stories took place in the 21st century? The outcomes would, also, be much different. Both stories show how a Marxist view exposes how social, economic, Ana analogical really less alienate, or Isolate people Trot one another.
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